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Report on the 1st investors meeting with Rescue Volunteers

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  • sellas
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Report on the 1st investors meeting with Rescue Volunteers held at Golden Tulip Hotel Accra on Saturday 4th May 2019.


Rescue Volunteers organised its maiden investor forum in May 2019 with the objective to attract potential investors to partner with Rescue to invest in the life of people to support its holistic ministry.

The meeting attracted people interested in social development from Accra and its environs.  They were made up of agricultural specialists, economists, investors, public and civil servants, broadcasters and chiefs and people from Nungua.  Volunteers of Rescue were present in their numbers form Accra, Northern and Eastern Regions to partake in the event.


Rescue Volunteers is a non for profit organisation that believes in teaching the hungry to fend for themselves rather than beg for alms.  Stemming from that belief, Rescue engages in some commercial activities to generate income to fund its activities.  Most income generating ventures that Rescue undertakes are initially funded by individuals who are approached to partner with Rescue to invest in lives of other people.

Rescue started this partnership activity from 2015 and has maintained some loyal partners till date.  The Ghanaian financial sector started facing prolonged challenges in 2017 which has led to the liquidation and consolidation of some banks.  Majority of Rescue partners were forced to demand their investment sum at maturity in the year 2018 to the early part of 2019.  This has eaten into the capital base of Rescue Volunteers.

Management therefore consulted and was advised to take some positive steps to rebuild capital for its work.  Meeting with potential investors was one of the actions agreed on.  This was to create a forum where Rescue can sell to potential investors benefits associated with investing in people’s life and to raise capital for continuous work.


The Master of Ceremony, Mr. Cecil Obodai-Wentum of the Ghana Broadcasting Cooperation called the meeting to order at 5:45p.m. after invited guest had socialised at the cocktail stand awaiting the beginning of the meeting.

After an opening prayer said by Mr. Martin Madjitey, Mr. Obodai-Wentum established the purpose of gathering.  He took guests through the various activities of Rescue in Agriculture, Entrepreneurship, Self-development and Health services and noted that the purpose was to explain to Ghana what Rescue is doing as a non for profit organisation and to invite people on board to invest with Rescue.  Guests were allowed to introduce themselves for easy interactions during main session of the agenda.

Rescue Documentary

Guests were ushered into the main discussion with a documentary on Rescue Activities and the impact it has on the needy in our community.  Documentary also featured beneficiaries’ testimony about Rescue and details of their encounter with Rescue.  It showed some scholarship beneficiaries as well as capital financing and start-up capital for women and disable.

The National Coordinator featured and explained the central idea behind the documentary and solicited assistance from community leaders and media to build a can do spirit in the youth and direct them to places they can find help that will bring positive change in them.

Rescue 2019 Plan

Madam Lydia Odai-Tettey, the National Coordinator of Rescue Volunteers took guests through Rescue Volunteers main activities, income generating activities, and investment policy.  She also presented a Gant shot of 2019 planned infrastructural activities for Rescue.

Rescue Main Activities

Ms Odai-Tettey made mention of 4 main activities of Rescue Volunteers: Agriculture, Entrepreneurship, Self Development and Health Services.  She explained that Rescue engages in the first two commercial activities in order to provide assistance in the rest.

Under agriculture, beneficiaries are trained to become commercial farmers to fend for themselves and provide for others. Self development puts beneficiaries whose interest is in various vocation into training schools where they acquire skills and are set up after graduation and repayment schedule is arrived at.  Others are assisted with loans to ensure best practices in their existing businesses.

Rescue Income Generating Activities

Agricultural activities generate much of Rescue income while capital financing also bring in some level of income worth mentioning.  The Agricultural activities that generate much income are poultry cassava and vegetable farming.  Other block farming activities in maize yam and ground nut also bring in sustainable income.  Money invested with Rescue by individuals is used to secure inputs and run the work till harvest where they are paid according to the period of investment. 

Capital financing was mentioned as another way of generating income to support Rescue activities.  Under this, beneficiaries are given money to either start fresh businesses or to expand existing ones.

Pledge of support

Guests expressed interest in Rescue programs and promised to support in diverse ways.  The meeting recorded the MC Mr. Obodai-Wentum pledging to play public relations role for Rescue Volunteers.  He declared his intention to be part of the team to identify, bring to the fore, assist and / or train the needy in deprived areas of Ghana to fend for themselves and contribute towards better life for all. 

Some also pledged to invest in the upcoming activities for Rescue Volunteers while others offered financial contribution at the function; Mr. Bornmai and Mr. And Mrs. Seth Afotey Odai.


Mr. Abraham Opare Appiah, the Eastern Regional Coordinator of Rescue Volunteers said the closing prayer and brought the meeting to a close at 8.15p.m. while Madam Lydia said the vote of thanks.


Attendance to the event shows the little importance many people attach to social development.  Though attendance was not as expected due to poor weather and many funerals in the south and northern part of Ghana, Rescue sees it as a humble beginning which will lead to future great achievements.

Rescue Volunteers invited all present to join in the 2019 infrastructural development program to enable smooth running of the 2020 programs.



Author: sellas

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