E-mail: info@rescuevolunteers.org    |       Mobile: (233) 244-487 687 | 024 468 2761

Who we are

Rescue is a Non Profit Organisation with a mission to assist the needy in Ghana to a level that will make them self reliant through cooperative initiatives and the use of available resources for mutual benefit until the cycle of poverty is broken.

RESCUE was borne out of empathy for the needy in deprived areas of Ghana

The Scope & Focus

We focus on people who acknowledge the situation they are in and avail themselves to be rescued unto a better life mutually agreed upon.

Our Style and Approach

We Believe that every person deserves the chance to live a quality life so we encourage the attitude of teaching the hungry to fend for themselves.

Our Core Values

With OPTIMISM, COLLABORATION and DILIGENCE, We face the future with optimism – bearing in mind that we will succeed in years and not days.

Our Action Plans

We believe that POVERTY needs to be tackled from its root cause to create sustainable WEALTH.

Dishonesty and Dependency are social problems that lead to poverty. In a situation where community leaders due to lack of concern exploit the people by  diverting community wealth for personal use or concealing vital information from the people, the community looses more than is taken by the few people in power.  Ignorantly, the people will beg for little of their own wealth and hold in high esteem those that take from them.  This could plant the spirit of dependency in the community making them poorer each day. Contingent staffing agencies in Accra. Taking money from the rich (donors) and giving to the poor (beneficiaries) alone do not alleviate poverty, it worsens it.

Action PlanVolunteering for Honesty and Truth Missions Rescue also believes that initiating model programmes where selected people from the community could be trained to lead developmental projects with community resources backed by donor funding could serve as a sure way to make community folks self reliant, empowered to break the dependency chain and fight poverty. Contingent staffing agencies in Accra.

Ignorance that allows diseases which in turn rob the community of its wealth in the people (active work force – quality labour). Ignorance is being separated from that which needs to be known. This is one dangerous element that is able to render people poor in the midst of plenty Contingent staffing agencies in Accra.

The question here is “… how shall they hear (know) if there is no preacher?” – Romans 10:14c.

Action PlanAdvocacy and Healthcare Rescue takes upon itself the duty to assist in the provision of information and direction to the beneficiaries to appreciate and together tap community wealth.  We also endeavour to attract foreign healthcare services to complement local effort.