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Covid-19 Awareness Campaign Phase 2

Rescue Volunteers > Covid-19 Awareness Campaign Phase 2

Covid-19 Awareness Campaign Phase 2

It was so sudden and a pandemic seized all social activities. This affected us greatly, being a developing country. Rescue Volunteers Ghana took upon itself to create awareness of the disease and to wake people up from the myths surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic.

To ensure that our message stay with our audience and also ensure that they put the message in action, the organization teamed up with the National Commission on Culture through the Centre for Arts and Culture to dramatize our message and distribute PPEs to our audience.

The COVID-19 Awareness campaign is in two phases. The first phase which targeted market places has the theme to keep safe at the market in order not to contract the virus or bring it home. The Campaign that started in the latter part of January and ended on 26th February benefited sellers and buyers alike. The Train in greater Accra started from Nungua, Makola, through Dodowa and Kpone markets and ended at the  Arts Centre, Accra. Rescue Volunteers  communities outside Accra also joined in the Campaign.
[06/04, 22:11] Lydia Rescue: The second phase of the Covid-19 Awareness campaign has started in Accra. The train will move to Kpong on 9th April and head to the north through the middle belt at Ahafo North and South and Ashanti region end of April. The Northern zone will pick up. The mantle from May starting from Tamale, through Savanah to North East Region where we will draw the curtain end of May 2021 and usher in the farming season amidst tree planting exercise.

The second phase targets school children with the theme ‘Keeping students safe’. Cluster of schools in the communities have been targeted for the awareness creation program. Rescue Volunteers is partnering the Ghana Health and Education Services and other health institutes to drum our message home.  This time, PPEs are not just distributed after demonstration but packages are made for the various schools selected for the programs and teachers and student representatives present at the function are encouraged to demonstrate this at the schools and share the PPEs to the needy students to ensure all remain safe.


April 9, 2021
10:00 AM - 02:30 PM