E-mail: info@rescuevolunteers.org    |       Mobile: (233) 244-487 687 | 024 468 2761

About us

Who we are

RESCUE was incorporated in the year 2013 to assist the needy in Ghana.  The name speaks for itself.  We are a group of people who volunteer our God giving talents and skills acquired to assist other people who depend on others for their livelihood. Our aim is to imbibe in this target group the great feeling of self-esteem that will encourage them to fend for themselves by harnessing their full potentials as human beings.

Our motto helping the needy’ keeps us focused on people who acknowledge the situation they are in and avails themselves to be rescued unto a better life mutually agreed upon.

Rescue believes that every person deserves the chance to live a quality life so we encourage the attitude of teaching the hungry to fend for themselves rather than encouraging them to beg for alms which cannot sustain them.

Our Objectives

  • Assist orphans to get access to basic needs and family life.
  • Encourage single parents and needy to join vocations that will improve their living standard.
  • Train youth in agriculture and assist them to assess markets both local and international
  • Maintain a value chain system by adding value to primary products.
  • Ensure that entrepreneurs so made should be able to keep proper books that are essential to their work.
  • Encourage beneficiaries to learn to read and write.
  • Assist beneficiaries to form cooperatives and the habit of savings.
  • Ensure that participating individuals adopt and live a healthy life in a cleaner environment.

Our Mission

Rescue is a Non Profit Organisation with a mission to assist the needy in Ghana to a level that will make them self reliant through cooperative initiatives and the use of available resources for mutual benefit until the cycle of poverty is broken.


Promote self reliance and assist in reducing poverty levels, promote an increase in domestic food production for consumption and export, Provide productive alternatives to employ the youth to reduce crime and other social problems and reduce rural-urban migration and to advocate for child right through examples of rescued children

Our Values

We face the future with optimism – bearing in mind that we will succeed in years and not days.  Setting out and remaining focused on to the right direction no matter the toughness of the situation. Assisting people to realize their potentials is a challenge especially when beneficiaries are in self denial.

In all we do, possible failures rather come to strengthen us and help us refocus to achieve great results. We are never failures rather, we fail to resign once we have a good program. Our risk-taking spirit emanated from this value.


Bringing people into alignment with a good plan cannot be done in a master servant relationship.  Getting our message across to our client takes the form of crossing over to the side of the beneficiary, using Contingent staffing agencies in Accra, to help us study the situation and gradually holding their hands to the expected end.  We also know that synergy is reached in positive collaboration of strength.

Due to this, we hold in high esteem the belief that our achievements in a community lie in unity. We first learn from the community through searching, good listening and humbly putting ourselves in their place which helps us work in transparency and collaboration with the owners of the projects to ensure sustainability.


We volunteer to assist people with voluntary contributions and donations. Being custodians of collective wealth, the onus rests on us to approach our work with all carefulness and thoroughness.

Before decisions on proposed projects are arrived at, the watch word is diligence to ensure that resources are administered efficiently.