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Rescue Volunteers > Discuss > Invest in Rescue – Dine and Discuss

Invest in Rescue – Dine and Discuss

The Northern Zone of Ghana is full of opportunities for northerners and southerners alike. RESCUE has taken steps to model programs of economic benefits.

This call is to discuss and strategies best practices to harness these potentials to the been for of all.. RESCUE cannot do this alone but with individual investors and companies on board, we can create a complete value chain for optimum result.

The Northern Development Program focuses on lean season farming. The major season will continue to engage youth and agribusiness owners and cooperatives to cultivate major crops in commercial quantities. (i.e. maize, groundnut, cassava, yam, etc).  The lean season will concentrate on vegetables supported by the irrigation system.  2019 pilot program has targetted three communities n Savannah, Nothern and North East regions after which the program will be opened to communities in all five regions in 2020.

RESCUE is partnering with other NGOs, youth Associations, Farmer Cooperatives,  Local Authorities, Assemblies and MDAs to run this program.

At the program, invited guests will be taken through RESCUE business plan. Various activities in the plan will be discussed in-depth. This will offer guests an idea of what their proposed investment will be used for and how RESCUE will make and share earnings on the investment for program sustainability.

Guests will be given the opportunity to pledge their support for RESCUE programs and also agree on investment packages they will be interested in.

Come and support a worthy course. Thank you.


Golden Tulip - Accra


May 4, 2019
04:30 PM