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Food and Coat Drive With Family Support Youth Organization of Essex County

Rescue Volunteers > Success Stories > Reports > Food and Coat Drive With Family Support Youth Organization of Essex County
  • Gaisey
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Hello Good people, Friends and Family of Rescue Volunteers 🙋‍♂️ We thank God for a beautiful day like this. Today we were able to join hands with the Family Support youth Organization of Essex County (East Orange) to organize food and coat drive at the 235 Seymour Avenue Baptist Church, Newark NJ.


The turn up was so great, everything went smoothly by the Grace of God and with the help of members who deep their hands into their pockets, and those who were able to offer their time, Strength to drive all the way to the place.


May the Almighty bless each and everyone a hundred-fold and give you more strength to do His work. to 👋 his own Glory Amen.

Author: Gaisey

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