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Food Drive 2 at Penn Station and Irvington terminal

  • Gaisey
  • No Comments

We still stay on course to our primary theme by helping the needy. With Rescue USA, New Jersey donations from the current volunteers, we were able to raise funds to provide for the needy in and around Penn station and Irvington Terminal. They received Mac and Cheese, Chicken, Water packs and Soda. In other to help them keep safe before their vaccination, we added 10 nose masks each, in a Ziplock with the takeaway containers of food in plastic bags. The bags also contained flavored soda and water.

The feedback from the receivers was heartwarming, they were pleased and enjoyed the moment, also the fact that we cared about their sanitation. In total, we distributedĀ 200 nose masks andĀ 200 packaged food.

Rescue USA, New Jersey continues to have regular meetings where we go over past events and brainstorm ideas for our next plans. We welcome all hands to make our communities a better place for all.

Author: Gaisey

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