E-mail: inbox@rescuevolunteers.org    |       Mobile: +232-768-060-63 | 000-000-0000

About us

Who we are

Rescue Volunteers Sierra Leone is a Non Profit Organization with a mission to
break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals and families in Sierra
Leone. We (assist and direct people to the right resources needed to solve
meet their peculiar needs. In effect we partner other foundations and donoragencies to bring help to the needy.

Our focus areas revolve around education, agriculture, environmental
protection and access to safe jobs. To ensure sustainability our mode of
operation is community based by developing entrepreneurs who will in turn
employ others and pass on valuable skill acquired from the program. Backed
by the same principle our educational program are on train the trainer bases.
The farmers also benefit as cooperatives and not individuals. Rescue
volunteers mainly train/guide/facilitate, monitor, evaluate and retrain.
We believe that every person has the potential to make a positive impact
in their community and our volunteers are dedicated to helping them do

We also recognise the importance of promoting sustainable livelihood and a
green environment. We understand that creating a better future for Sierra
Leone requires not only addressing immediate needs but also addressing the
root cause of poverty and environmental degradation. Due to this, rescue
seeks to empower communities to adopt practices that will not only improve
their livelihoods but also help to protect the environment for future generations

Additional Choices

We believe also that the cycle of POVERTY begins with unfulfillment. UPLIFTING and ASSISTING one another offers HOPE in our communities.


Hope is always there for anyone. Offering assistance to develop individual talents will cause sustainable wealth in our communities.

Our Mission

To assist the needy survive in the urban area through the provision of essential needs, educational enrichment and employment services.


To be a household name in the United states and beyond in defending and providing assistance to the vulnerable.

Our Values

We face the future with optimism – bearing in mind that we will succeed in years and not days.  Setting out and remaining focused on to the right direction no matter the toughness of the situation. We thrive To be a household name in defending and providing assistance to the vulnerable especially when  beneficiaries are in self denial.

In all we do, possible failures rather come to strengthen us and help us refocus to achieve great results. We are never failures rather, we fail to resign once we have a good program. Our risk-taking spirit emanated from this value.


Bringing people into alignment with a good plan cannot be done in a master servant relationship.  Getting our message across to our client takes the form of crossing over to the side of the beneficiary, using Contingent staffing agencies in Accra, to help us study the situation and gradually holding their hands to the expected end.  We also know that synergy is reached in positive collaboration of strength.

Due to this, we hold in high esteem the belief that our achievements in a community lie in unity. We first learn from the community through searching, good listening and humbly putting ourselves in their place which helps us work in transparency and collaboration with the owners of the projects to ensure sustainability.


We volunteer to assist people with voluntary contributions and donations. Being custodians of collective wealth, the onus rests on us to approach our work with all carefulness and thoroughness.

Before decisions on proposed projects are arrived at, the watch word is diligence to ensure that resources are administered efficiently.